没有互联网的年代, 一个人会因为什么原因在一个地方安安静静的呆上一个小时?
互联网低效而且繁琐的交互占据了现代人类太多时间, 以致于不少人已经失去从书籍、音乐、艺术,这些可以让我们从复杂社会背景中认识自我的渠道。
现在的事实是,评论家都太喜欢居高临下地提出批评,但我们真正需要的,是从内部开始研究、理解并真正解决这个问题: 如何把人类从低效的互联网交互中解救出来。
2024 年,银河系软件革命委员会开始将希望寄托于大语言模型。
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A clean, modern theme for a SAAS, decentralized platform, blockchain or cryptocurrency service. It combines a white background with purple highlights, featuring a simple, user-friendly layout for a technology-focused platform

A dark-mode educational platform theme, emphasizing a sleek and modern interface for online learning. It offers features like course page, teachers, and lessons, all in a coherent, dark aesthetic designed to enhance user focus and interaction.
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The Importance of User-Centered Design
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5 Essential Skills for Web Developers
Web development is a rapidly evolving field, and keeping up with the latest trends and technologies can be challenging. In this post, we'll explore five essential skills that every web developer should master, from front-end frameworks to server-side languages. Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your skills, this guide has everything you need to know.